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[ Авг 20, 06:53 ] Koshak: Давно это было)))
[ Авг 16, 19:06 ] DzonWick: Оууу! Помню как Леша сервера ( моды ) делал. =)
[ Июль 31, 19:54 ] Koshak: Да есть что вспомнить )))
[ Июль 31, 19:53 ] Monumental: Как его можно забыть ? Здесь прошла добрая часть жизни) Особенно вечерние посиделки в чате Comfort ) Благодарность за труды ваши не имеет границ )
[ Июль 31, 19:51 ] Koshak: Жаль что прошли те весёлые времена... Я рад что ещё помнят этот форум )))

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Файлы->Дополнения HL->Bugfixed and improved HL release client 0.1.614 [ Поиск ]

Bugfixed and improved HL release client 0.1.614
Название Bugfixed and improved HL release client 0.1.614
Описание Version: 0.1.614

Bugfixed and improved HLSDK release.
This was started in a purpose to replace bugged hl.dll on a server to prevent frequent server crashes.
Now it's a lot of fixes and improvements to server and client sides.
Based on HLSDK version 2.3-p3 patched by metamod team.

Forum topic about them: Bugfixed and improved HLSDK

Client side changes:
0.1.223 (45 downloads):
Bunnyhop enabled.
Fixed bug with mouse coordinates rounding.
Fixed bug in displaying server name in score board: displaying garbage if server name was longer then 31 char.
Fixed bug in displaying long server name in score board and MOTD.
Colors for HP/AP points, new cvars hud_dim, hud_color, hud_color(1-3). New meaning for cvar hud_draw (values between 0-1 change hud transparency).
Spectator mode improvement: removed top black panel and bottom is black only when menu is shown.
Spectator mode improvement: Spectator camera menu now working.
Clip mouse cursor to HL window so it will not go outside, which can lead to lost of focus on accidental click.
Added DirectInput mouse processing. Added m_input cvar: 1 - standard windows cursor, 2 - DirectInput mouse.
Fixed bug with mouse capturing on windows switching and on change level when window isn't active (engine bug).
Fix for menu displayed on ShowMenu message (AMXX menu): hide menu on HudInit (change level, reconnect or connect to another server).
Immediately output chat messages to console and prepend time for say messages.
0.1.250 (1 download):
UTF Texts in hud menu and messages are now correctly displayed.
Added validity checks into weapon hud menu display system.
Extended weapon hud menu support up to 6 (0-5) weapon slots and 10 (0-9) positions in slots for new weapons (can be used in AMXX plugins).
Fixed Score Board last killed by highlighting.
0.1.253 (6 downloads):
Added loss to score board table.
0.1.255 (167 downloads):
Added cvar: hud_showlossinscore - show/hide loss in score board.
Changed column widths in score board.
0.1.551 2012-11-23 (6 downloads):
Added "about" command to client.dll.
Added exceptions catching and logging.
Added mini-dump writing to exceptions handler.
Added validity checks in team names processing code on client side.
Fixed bug in LocaliseTextString function on a client, that caused buffer cut.
Replaced texts in team menu that are absent in titles.txt file.
Fixed bug with % in server name.
Fixed various bugs in client-side with player on slot #32.
Fixed bug with duplicate user message ids in engine, this eliminates bug with connecting to usual HLDM after AGmini server.
Set dead players non-solid on client side to prevent lagging when step over them.
Fixed mouse input rounding bug on network encoding.
Default cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown to 89.9999.
Fixed various bugs in weapon sprite lists processing.
Added loading of "damage by" sprites from weapon sprite lists (sprites starting with "d_").
Now we can use custom sprites for "killed with" in deaths list.
Egon beam life is extended a lot to prevent crashes in case of lags.
Gait animation fixed for some player models (like from HD packs). Thanks to Uncle Mike from hlfx.ru.
Engine bug fix: removed physics dependence on FPS.
Added cvar engine_fix_fpsbug to enable/disable fix of fps bug.
Ability to replace enemy and teammates models and colors.
Added cvars: cl_forceemenymodels, cl_forceemenycolors, cl_forceteammatesmodel and cl_forceteammatescolors.
Added "forcemodel" and "forcecolors" commands.
Removed scrolling of empty area in scoreboard. Previously you could scroll all players up out of visible area.
Slider in scoreboard now have length corresponding to visible area.
Reset scroll position in scoreboard on changelevel.
Fixed scrollbar hiding in scoreboard when all items fit the screen.
Show steam IDs in scoreboard.
Cut "STEAM_" and "VALVE_" from all steam ids, not only valid ones.
Glide dimming of killer row highlighting in score board.
Don't highlight row under mouse in scoreboard if mouse is within scrollbar.
Capture mouse scrolling in scoreboard only if in squelch mode.
Fixed mouse pressing and releasing with scoreboard.
Squelch mode now turned ON only with left mouse button.
Now scoreboard is less interfere with shooting.
Added hud timer drawing.
Added cvar "hud_timer".
Retrieve mp_timelimit from Server Rules.
Using mp_timeleft if mp_timelimit is giving wrong left time (due to agstart on miniAG server for example).
Hide original miniAG timer.
Hud timers info now written in demo stream and parsed on playback.
Added "customtimer" command to the client.
Display next map under the timer when last minute starts.
Added cvar hud_nextmap to enable/disable nextmap show on last minute.
Display nextmap in scoreboard.
Catching amx_nextmap cvar changes.
Timer synchronization don't block the thread.
Results file names generation from results_file_format and results_counter_format cvars.
Added saving snapshots to jpeg format.
Added cvars: engine_snapshot_hook, snapshot_jpeg and snapshot_jpeg_quality.
Write jpeg or bmp snapshots with reports file name generator.
Added ability to log and dump user messages.
Added cvar cl_messages_log: if not 0 client will log user messages in console when it will receive them from server.
Added command cl_messages_dump: dump currently registered user messages with their ids and lengths.
0.1.557 2012-11-26 (2 downloads):
Changed a bit usage info of customtimer command.
Prediction for allow unstuck from a satchel feature.
Prepend time in console for server say messages.
Changed time format for say messages in console to [00:00:00].
0.1.560 2012-11-27 (36 downloads):
Changed client-side unstuck code so it will not jerk in case of standing/moving/ducking on satchels or when stuck in a mine and trying to duck/jump/attack.
0.1.579 2012-12-05 (140 downloads):
Errors from parsing overview files now goes to debug console (developer 1).
Added PCRE library.
Added hook for engine commands chain.
Overrode and blocked motd_write command on the client.
Added hook for SvcStuffText, SvcSendCvarValue and SvcSendCvarValue2 messages.
Parsing commands in svc_stufftext and processing them with allow/block regex.
Checking cvar in svc_sendcvarvalue and svc_sendcvarvalue2 against cvar block lists.
Added client cvars cl_protect_block and cl_protect_allow to specify additional rules for server-to-client commands checking.
Added client cvar cl_protect_block_cvar to specify additional rules for checking server requests for cvar values.
Added client console command cl_protect that outputs some info about protection and built-in checking rules.
Added client cl_protect_log to specify logging of commands issued and cvars accessed by server.
Prevent commands execution via redirect connectionless packet.
Fix for copy from the console problem, when it lose tail chars.
0.1.595 2013-02-11 (6 downloads):
#10: Added parameters validation in TextMsg message processing.
#4: Red killer row in score board fixed when previous killer is killed with worldspawn. Also properly take care of game time reset.
#14: Rewritten memory patching so it will be more stable now and is compatible with some older clients (except for GameUI for now).
#14: Added output messages to console if unable to apply memory patches.
0.1.614 2013-02-13:
Fixed scoreboard, overview and team/class menu problems with 32 player slot.
#16: Fixed egon and gauss beams in first person spectator mode to go from weapon viewmodel (client-side change for all server types).
#16: Do not calculate spectator movement on the client if in first person mode, this greatly reduce time lag of the movement.

Источник: http://aghl.ru/
Прислано Koshak
размер 306.43 Kb
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Всего 59 файлов
Самые скачиваемые: DR-1X_Technical_Supplement
Самые просматриваемые: Greylink DC++ 0.61
Самые лучшие по оценкам: Готовый сервер Infotex_Terminator

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